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Skip To My Lou
The Great Kat
The Great Kat
on DistroVid Gallery
since Jul 10, 2024
									“Skip To My Lou” New Music Video by The Great Kat! “Skip To My Lou” is a famous traditional song heard while couples are dancing and skipping forming a ring hand in hand, and stealing partners. The word “Lou” is Scottish for “love”. The Great Kat Hot Shred “Lou” brilliantly shreds “Skip To My Lou” on metal guitar, but THIS TIME it’s with slow death metal rhythms, low moshing motifs and screaming guitar wails. On this new music video, The Great Kat Guitar Shredder is the Hot Shred Lou shredding “Skip To My Lou” on her heavy metal guitar, bringing the traditional dance song into the future with headbanging, dirge-like metal! Powerful!
Transformed brilliantly by The Great Kat, “Skip To My Lou” is shredded with HEAVY METAL MOSHING by the legendary Juilliard grad Violin/Guitar Goddess  on Guitar with Great Kat’s trademark solos, shredding, whammy bars and shred insanity! 
The Great Kat is the "Top 10 Fastest Shredders Of All Time" (Guitar One Magazine), the famous Juilliard Graduate Violin Virtuoso, the Reincarnation of Beethoven and the Only Guitar/Violin Double Virtuoso since Paganini.  The Great Kat shreds at lightning speed on both guitar & violin with entertainment and excitement, bringing genius Classical Music to the Entire World!

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Release date: Jul 10, 2024