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Paganini's Il Carnevale Di Venezia
The Great Kat
The Great Kat
on DistroVid Gallery
since Aug 29, 2024
									“Paganini’s Il Carnevale Di Venezia” New Music Video by The Great Kat and Niccolo Paganini! Juilliard Grad Violin Virtuoso The Great Kat brilliantly shreds Violin on Niccolo Paganini’s famous “Il Carnevale Di Venezia” (“Carnival Of Venice”) Opus 10. “Carnival Of Venice” is Paganini’s Violin Variations composed in 1829 on the famous Neapolitan traditional song "O Mamma, Mamma Cara".  Niccolo Paganini (1782-1840) was called "The Devil's Son" and "Witch's Brat" for his demonic and amazing violin virtuosity! The Great Kat, Juilliard violin virtuoso and the ONLY Guitar/Violin Double Virtuoso since Paganini, shreds Paganini’s emotional and virtuoso “Il Carnevale Di Venezia” on Violin. On This new Music Video The Great Kat is The Hot Violin Goddess shredding “Paganini’s Il Carnevale Di Venezia” while searching for Niccolo Paganini. The Great Kat wants to shred “Paganini’s Il Carnevale Di Venezia” for Niccolo in person! First our Goddess takes a ship to Italy and travels on a gondola down the canals of Venice to play for Paganini! When the Great Kat finally sees him, she shreds her violin at Hyperspeed! Paganini is in AWE of the speed, virtuosity and pizzazz of The Great Kat Violin Goddess!! 
Audiences thought Paganini made a pact with the devil to be able to perform supernatural displays of technique! As the world’s first guitar and violin double virtuoso, Paganini was known for dressing in all black and encouraged people to think that he WAS POSSESSED BY THE DEVIL to be able to perform such supernatural displays of technique! After performing and mesmerizing audiences for years and becoming the first real rock star, Paganini developed an interest in gambling and even opened "The Casino Paganini”! Today, The Great Kat shreds “Paganini’s Il Carnevale Di Venezia” on Violin with stunning speeds, technique and virtuosity, while bringing Paganini’s genius music to a whole new generation. 
The Great Kat is the Juilliard grad violin virtuoso/"Top 10 Fastest Shredders Of All Time" - Guitar One Magazine and the only guitar/violin double virtuoso shredding Classical masterpieces at high speeds and bringing genius Classical masterpieces to a whole new generation with Classical and Metal. 
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Release date: Aug 29, 2024