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Praising the Almighty - Bhagvan Aryo Ko
Kries Ramkhelawan
Kries Ramkhelawan
on DistroVid Gallery
since Feb 12, 2023
									Praising the Almighty - Bhagvan Aryo Ko. 

About Ustad Kries Ramkhelawan
Ustad Kries Ramkhelawan from Suriname has been creating and performing traditional Indian, Sarnami music since the 1970s. He has performed worldwide in Europe, the USA, Canada, the Caribbean, and India.
Still going strong in 2022, he is now in a phase of transferring his experience, knowledge, and insights via the Saathi Foundation and Music School. The students, mostly children, at Saathi Music school learn to play traditional musical instruments and receive vocal training.

Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/us/artist/kries-ramkhelawan/1480059582

Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/0NDBVt2Smq50tF13Jozda2?si=fPD7aAeURwel9AXfb8WoCg

Amazon Music: https://music.amazon.com/artists/B07Y1JTSYY/kries-ramkhelawan?marketplaceId=ATVPDKIKX0DER&musicTerritory=US&ref=dm_sh_coIB2CsW6GotIN7H8kSBke64U

Digicel D'Music: http://www.digicelmusic.com/share.php?type=artist&id=5214533&schema=digicelmusic

#Suriname #Trinidad #Guyana #SwamiDayanand

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Release date: Feb 12, 2023