Be prolific.
DistroKid is the easiest way for independent artists to get into Tidal.

Upload as much as you want, keep 100% of your royalties.
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Frequently asked questions
(and answers!)

What is DistroKid?

DistroKid is a service for musicians that puts your music into online stores so that people can buy it.

Why should I use DistroKid?

All your music should be in stores. DistroKid is the only service that lets you upload unlimited music to stores for one low price. Other services make you pay every time you upload something—that's way less fun (and way more expensive).

Also, DistroKid gets your music into stores in a fraction of the time it takes our competitors to get your music into stores. We have great customer service and a simple interface, too.

Who uses DistroKid?

DistroKid is for solo musicians, bands, DJs, performers, and producers who record music at home or in the studio. We have services for labels, too.

How much will it cost me?

Only $22.99 to upload unlimited songs & albums for a year.

How much of my sales does DistroKid keep?

None. You keep 100% of your royalties.