Thought Trials
The Cleansing Gene
Single release date
April 2, 2021
Introduction from the artist
‘The Cleansing Gene’ is the finale to the previously released ‘The Hiding Gene’ EP. TCG marks the conclusion of Thought Trial's concept releases that are based upon Cixin Liu’s “The Three Body Problem” book trilogy.

There is a theory that all intelligent life in the universe[s] develop either the hiding gene or the cleansing gene. These are the only two effective forms of survival. The cleansing gene demands that if you are aware of any other intelligent life, you must completely destroy it - before it has the opportunity to destroy you. If you have developed the hiding gene, your survival strategy is to make yourself invisible to the rest of the universe. As long as no other life forms know that you exist - they cannot harm you.
Perks for NFT owner
Whoever purchases this NFT should contact us on Instagram or Twitter (@thoughttrials) so we can shout them out if they so wish! Eternally grateful for your support of independent artists.
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