Get your music on streaming platforms:
...and more!
Join 1,500,000+ artists and distribute your music with DistroKid.
Choose the right plan for you.
Best Value
Starting at $7.50/mo
$89.99 billed annually
Musician Plus
$39.99 billed annually
$22.99 billed annually
Feature Category
Save up to 40%*
Save 15%
Number of artists
Up to 100 artists
2 artists
1 artist
Upload unlimited songs
Upload unlimited lyrics
Spotify verified checkmark
Create royalty splits
Mobile app access
Access to 21 free tools
Synced lyrics in Apple Music
Daily streaming stats
Customizable label name
Customizable release date
Custom iTunes pricing
1 TB instant file sharing
RIAA gold & platinum monitoring
Contact info for thousands of playliststs
Frequently asked questions
How much does DistroKid cost?
DistroKid offers multiple plans, ranging from a single artist/band Musician plan to an Ultimate plan for up to 100 artists.
Does DistroKid keep any of my royalties from streams and downloads?
No! DistroKid doesn’t take any commission, ever. You’ll always keep 100% of the royalties from your music.
How many platforms does DistroKid distribute to?
We'll get your music into Spotify, Apple Music, TikTok, Pandora, Amazon, Instagram, YouTube, Tidal, iHeartRadio, Deezer, plus a ton of other stores & streaming services.
See the full list of platforms: here
How quickly will my song be available on streaming?
Pretty quick. We’ll send your music to the platforms right away. Then, depending on the service, it’ll take a few more days for your song to go live.
How many different artist names can I distribute music under?
Depends on your DistroKid subscription:
-Musician plan: 1 artist/band
-Musician Plus plan: Up to 2 artists
-Ultimate plan: Up to 100 artists
From artists to labels, we have a plan for you.
Unlimited Uploads. Keep 100% of your earnings.
Musicians, sign up now.