You Built A Wall by The Way After - DistroKid
You Built A Wall
The Way After
Coventry/London trio released their 2nd single ‘You Built A Wall’ on Nov 1st 2023, a melodic poetic track with orchestral touches that call to mind late 60s Beatles or Kinks. Debut album 'Musical Statues' is available to pre-order from March 1st.
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(From March 1st) Pre-order the debut album 'Musical Statues':
Apple Music
Buy 'You Built A Wall' on Bandcamp
Listen to 'You Built A Wall' on Soundcloud:
Listen to debut single 'Hear The Bird Sing' (released 27th March 2023)
Contact The Way After: [email protected]
London Peaky feature on The Way After
Interview from 'The Other Side Reviews' with Tim and Dave from The Way After:
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