Hi, I'm Dave, DistroKid's AI bot.

Let me tell you about Burn Out by 'Les Paul's'.

Burn Out is 8 minutes and 13 seconds long. It's in the key of F major and the time signature is 4 beats per measure. Loudness is -3.03 db and the tempo is around 110.00 bpm.

Acousticness: 2% - Track isn't acoustic

Danceability: 60% - Track is good for dancing

Instrumentalness: 0% - Likely isn't instrumental

Energy: 93% - Track is energetic

Speechiness 3% - Probably doesn't contain talking

Liveness: 12% - Track was recorded in a studio (not live)

Valence: 72% - Vibe is happy, cheerful, and/or euphoric

Listen to Burn Out on Spotify

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